Sosyal Fayda için Veri Bilimi – Eğitmenler

The Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG) program is the first of its kind immersive program held in Turkey. The program engages students to work together on projects that address public challenges around critical social issues relevant in our cities today.

Data Science for the Public Good programı, sosyal bilimlerden, mühendisliklerden ve diğer farklı disiplinlerden gelen gençleri veri bilimi alanında yetiştirir. Eğitim alan gençler kamu kurumlarıyla bir araya gelir ve kendilerine sağlanan açık veriyle toplumsal sorunları daha iyi anlamak ve bunlara çözüm üretmek için projeler geliştirir.


Taha Eren Sarnıç, Data Scientist

Eren graduated from Hacettepe University, Department of Statistics in 2015. He continues his education life in TED University Applied Data Science Master's Program with Thesis. He works in the fields of Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization, Impact Analysis and Artificial Learning Applications. He is working as a Data Scientist at CADS@TEDU (TED University Center for Applied Data Science).

İnan Utku Türkmen, Director

İnan received his PhD from Bilkent University Mathematics Department in 2012. He worked as a lecturer at Bilkent, Atılım, Gebze High Technology and TED universities. He was the founding head of the Applied Data Science Master's program at TED University between 2017-2019. He works as the director of TED University Center for Applied Data Science CADS@TEDU.

Ceyda Yazıcı, Assistant Professor

Ceyda received her undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees from the Statistics Department of Middle East Technical University in 2009, 2011 and 2017, respectively. During her graduate and doctoral studies, she worked as a research assistant in the same department and lectured as a part-time lecturer at the Middle East Technical University Cyprus Campus for one semester. Her areas of study include computational statistics, statistical data analysis and modeling, data science and its applications, time series and data mining. She has been working at TED University Mathematics Department since September 2018.

Ezgi Turalı, Social Media and Data Visualization Specialist

Ezgi graduated from TED University, Department of Economics in 2019. She continues her education life in TED University Applied Data Science Master's Program with Thesis. She works in the fields of Data Visualization and Data Storytelling. She works as a Communications Assistant (Social Media and Data Visualization Specialist) at CADS@TEDU (TED University Center for Applied Data Science).

Beste Karabay,Researcher

Beste graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Economics in 2019. She conducts research on business analytics and business intelligence applications. She also works in the field of Exploratory Data Analysis. She works as a researcher at CADS @ TEDU (TED University Center for Applied Data Science).

Merve Yüksel, Researcher

Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi İktisat bölümünden 2019 yılında mezun olmuştur. ODTÜ Uygulamalı Matematik Enstitüsü Aktüerya programında öğrenim hayatına devam etmektedir. Aynı zamanda TED Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Veri Bilimi Yüksek Lisans programında “İstatistiksel Çıkarım Metodları” dersini takip etmiştir. Veri bilimi alanında CADS@TEDU’de(TED Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Veri Bilimi Merkezi’nde) Araştırmacı olarak çalışmaktadır.

Kayra Özcan, Project Assistant

Kayra graduated from TED University, Department of Economics in 2019. He continues his education life in TED University Applied Data Science Master's Program with Thesis. He works in the fields of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. He works as a Project Assistant at CADS@TEDU (TED University Center for Applied Data Science).

Berivan Eliş, Founding Manager at İstasyon TEDU Center for Social Innovation

Before İstasyonTEDU Berivan worked in the fields of youth, gender, human security and social development at European Union Delegation to Turkey, United Nations Development Program, the Community Volunteers Foundation and at Bilkent University. He volunteered in many projects in the field of data collection, classification, interpretation and information activism. She received a bachelor's degree from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations and a Master's degree from Bilkent University, Department of International Relations. Since September 2016, she has been teaching citizen participation and social innovation in TEDU World Citizenship Supplementary Program.

Merve Kavas, Program Coordinator

Since April 2016, Merve has been involved in the development of incubation program, community development and ecosystem mapping processes for social benefit-oriented actors who aim to establish a sustainable model at IstasyonTEDU. In 2015, she was accepted to the Entrepreneurship Foundation Fellow program, where university students with entrepreneurial potential were selected and graduated from the program. Merve, who is a graduate of TED University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics, completed her minor in the Department of Business Administration.

Sinem Gökçe, Project Coordinator

Sinem has been in the IstasyonTEDU team since September 2018. She has published academic publications on organizational behavior, management, leadership and innovation. In addition to the subject of Project Management, where she wrote his doctoral dissertation, she worked in many different fields from state supports to investment feasibility, from sectoral evaluations to market analysis, from innovation to entrepreneurship in the public sector. She worked in institutions such as Bilkent University, Roketsan, ABİGEM, Fırat Development Agency, İnönü University and established her own training and consultancy firm. She volunteered in organizations such as Toplum Gönüllüleri and SendeGel. She completed his undergraduate studies in Bilkent University Electrical and Electronics Engineering, a Master's degree in Engineering Management at METU, and a doctorate in Management and Organization from Inonu University. Currently a student at the Department of Sociology at Istanbul University.

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